1) Download instsrv.exe and srvany.exe from here and save them to your hd in a good place, ex: c:\WINNT\SYSTEM32. Never delete these files at a later time.
2) Open up a command prompt terminal and run the following command:
[path_to_instsrv]\instsrv.exe pforward [path_to_srvany]\srvany.exe
3) You should now have pforward installed as a service, but it points to srvany.exe, which is a service wrapper. Open up regedit and drill down to:
4) Create a new key (folder) named Parameters
5) Download pforward.exe and cygwin1.dll from here and create yourself an ini file. Put all of this somewhere on your hd.
6) Create 2 new string value keys in the newly created Parameters folder as follows:
Name: AppDirectory Value: c:\[path_to_directory_with_pforward]
Name: Application Value: c:\[path_to_directory_with_pforward]\pforward.exe
7) This may be an optional step, but on my system, I had to goto Control Panel>Admin Tools>Services and change the logon account the pforward service runs under to my Administrator account. The LocalSystems account is pretty restrictive. This could have also been done during step #2.
8) Start the service either via the Control panel or by running the following command:
net start pforward
1) Download the pforward source from here
2) Compile the server by cd'ing into the source dir and typing the following:
3) Generate your ini file.
4) Start the server, remember to put it in the background as well.
5) Put the server in your startup script, example: /etc/rc.local.
(sample bash scripts to help run pforward are located here)